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Katie's Cup Conversations presents: Rockford Promise

Rockford Promise: Changing Lives. Transforming Our Region.
Presentation & Conversation with Elaine Breck, President, Rockford Promise

What if we could promise every graduate of Rockford Public School
District 205 the encouragement, mentorship and financial support
necessary to earn a college degree?

*Every student would have a path to post-secondary education.
*Potential residents would enthusiastically choose our community because of the opportunities for their kids.
*Businesses would want to locate here because of the availability of a workforce.

That’s the vision of Rockford Promise, a non-profit 501(c)(3) location-based scholarship program modeled after promise programs around the nation. Join us and learn how the community, our churches, businesses, and individuals can help to build on this dream.

This is a free event and open to the public. The coffee bar will be open for drink and meal purchases throughout the event.